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L’Assaut américain sur les banlieux francaises (2)
10 points qui sont respectivement une explication de la crise de la représentation en France, la nécessité pour les américains de développer une stratégiepour la France, de s’engager dans un discours positif, de mettre en avant un exemple fort, lancer un programme agressif de mobilisation de la jeunesse, l’encouragement des voix modérées, une diffusion des meilleures pratiques, l’approfondissementdes compréhensions du problème, et enfin le ciblage des efforts. Je ne ferais qu’une brève synthèse des différents points ci-dessous :
objectifs définis dans le reftel A [référence télégramme A]. Notre objectif est de mobiliser la population française à tous les niveaux afin d’amplifier les efforts de la Francepour réaliser ses propres idéaux égalitaires, ce qui par suite fera progresser les intérêts nationaux américains. Alors que la France est à juste titre fière de son rôle moteur dans la conception des idéaux démocratiques et dans la promotion des droits de l’homme et de l’Etat de droit, les institutions françaises ne se sont pas montrées elles-mêmes assez flexibles pour s’adapter à une démographie de plus en plus hétérodoxe. »
THE CRISIS OF REPRESENTATION IN FRANCE (Arrière-plan: la crise de la représentation en France)
France afin qu’elle s’oriente vers une application plus complète des valeurs démocratiques qu’elle promeut. »
influente). »
certaines prétentions françaises à servir de modèle à l’assimilation et à la méritocratie, d’indéniables inégalités ternissent l’image globale de la France et affaiblissent son influence à l’étranger. Selon notre point de vue, un échec durable pour développer les opportunités et fournir une authentique représentation politique à sa population minoritaire pourrait faire de la France un pays plus faible et plus divisé. Les conséquences géopolitiques de la faiblesse et de la division de la France affecteront négativement les intérêts américains, dans la mesure où nous avons
besoin de partenaires forts au cœur de l’Europe pour nous aider à promouvoir les valeurs démocratiques. »
STRATEGY FOR FRANCE: OUR AIMS (Une stratégie pour la France: nos objectifs)
(1) la majorité, et spécialement les élites ;
(2) les minorités, avec une attention particulière pour les leaders ;
(3) et la population en général.En utilisant les sept tactiques ci-dessous, nous visons (1) à accroître la conscience des élites de France à propos des bénéfices qu’il y a à élargir les opportunités et des coûts qu’il y a à maintenir le statu quo ; (2) à améliorer les compétences et développer la confiance des leaders de la minorité qui cherchent à augmenter leur influence ; (3) et à communiquer à la population générale de France notre admiration particulière
pour la diversité et le dynamisme de sa population, tout en insistant sur les avantages qu’il y a à bénéficier de ses qualités en ouvrant les opportunités pour tous. »
religieuses et avec le Ministère de l’Intérieur – les techniques les plus efficaces pour enseigner la tolérance actuellement utilisées dans les mosquées américaines, les synagogues, les églises et les autres institutions religieuses. Nous nous impliquerons directement avec le Ministère de l’Intérieur afin de comparer les approches françaiseset américaines en matière de soutien aux leaders des minorités qui promeuvent la modération et la compréhension mutuelle, tout en comparant nos réponses à celles de ceux qui cherchent à semer la haine et la discorde. »
et des agences de l’Ambassade. Ce groupe travaillera en tandem avec le Youth Outreach Initiative, il identifiera et ciblera les leaders et les groupes influents au sein de notre public principal. »
A lire aussi la 3ieme partie : http://alexandrelatsa.ru/2011/
Россия 2.0
L’Assaut américain sur les banlieux francaises (1)
d’origine arabo-africaines à l’état Français. Au summum de leur violence, près de 11.000 policiers ont été mobilisés pour contenir les fauteurs de troubles. L’état d’urgence a même été décrété à un certain moment. Le coût de ces émeutes est estimé à près de 200 millions d’euros. Ce furent les pires violences urbaines que la France ait connu depuis 1968 .
(La guerre dans l’obscurité : le pouvoir des secrets) dans lequel il développait une thèse selon laquelle ces émeutes n’étaient pas totalement spontanées mais avaient été organisées, et entretenues, via des agitateurs professionnels. Dans son livre, le journaliste assimile cette agitation révolutionnaire à une variante de révolution colorée, mais au cœur de la France de 2005. Sans savoir si cette théorie est juste ou fondée, elle est à mettre en parallèle avec une des conséquences les plus inattendues de ces émeutes, l’intérêt grandissant et affirmé des États-Unis envers ces jeunes issus de l’immigration, français et pourtant en révolte contre l’état Français.
jeunes de nombreux responsables d’associations, des rappeurs ou des jeunes impliqués dans le milieu associatif notamment au sein des communautés immigrées, ou d’origine immigrée.
Battle for Eurasia (III)

Results of color revolutions and their prospects
Battle for Eurasia (II)
They included USAID, USIP and NED, which is an international democratic staff training institution itself and administers various liberal associations that promote democratic values. We’d also mention the Institute for study of the USSR and American Committee for Liberation of Bolshevism, which leader of Promethean movement joined after the WWII. This list also features Aspen Institute, Jamestown foundation and The American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus that organized, funded and maintained the jihad against Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan. This committee prototyped the Freedom House — heart of the system, found in 1941 to resist fascist influence and afterwards, influence of the Soviet Union. The list wouldn’t be complete if not for Heritage Foundation, found in 1973 as a tool of President Reagan’s anti-Soviet doctrine and being one of the most prominent conservative «think tanks» of America. There’s also the «Open Society» network of the Soros Foundation, intended to promote liberal principles and democracy at the post-Soviet space via their subsidiary associations. Finally, we have to mention AEI that is considered to be the right wing of the liberal Brookings Institution «think tank» along with American Enterprise Institute.
Albert Einstein University, found by Gene Sharp is of peculiar interest to us. Its founder is an American public activist and an author of the book «From dictatorship to democracy» — truly a textbook for the non-violent means of fight against dictators’ regimes. Most part of youth movements, funded by above-mentioned NGOs that expect them to overthrow the undesirable governments. Gene Sharp politicized the means of non-violent fight for the case of possible resumption of the Cold War in order to prepare European resistance for probable invasion of the Red Army. This little-known philosopher has been publishing his works on the non-violent fight since 1985 till 2005. Since 1987 he was carrying out internal NATO trainings. It is worth mentioning that since the 90s, participation of Colonel Robert Helvey, former employee of American CIA, allowed the institute to be lavished with financial injections of Republican IRI center — GOP-associated «think tank» that is also one of four NED branches. Simultaneously with these theories, we have to reviews the activity of ICNC, headed by Peter Ackerman. Ackerman proclaims the tactical advantage of non-violent fight within the framework of global informational society. His plans stipulate the development of videogames, based on real or probable (future) theaters of war and civilian coups. Thus, theories of Sharp and Ackerman are the cornerstones of global misinformation system and ideological war that are necessary to inspire the bloodless revolutions. This ideologically-cultural impact, carried out via Internet communications, civil journalism and social networks will allow spreading the unnoticed messages, fiddling with the subconscious incentives. Along with application of innovative means за ideologically-cultural influence, we’re to see the non-violent state coups as large as life: mass «color» protests, usage of social networks to destabilize a country or wage an information war, i.e. non-violent internet-war. We might state that few observers grasp the importance of funding and the scope of activity of all these association, «think tanks» and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Also, few observers have understood their common origin within the framework of a single tool of geopolitical impact.
Color revolutions at the Russian threshold
2000, Serbia: Soros-affiliated organizations — Open Society, Freedom House and NED have organized the mass people’s rallies between two rounds of presidential elections in 2000. Revolution, supported by nationalists (as it is also to happen in Ukraine) was dubbed the Bulldozer Revolution, because thousands of miners have used them to assault the capital and the parliament, having even failed to wait until the election results to be published — that testifies to an apparent democratic nature of revolution, of course. New government appointed Prime Minister who was soon killed for extraditing Slobodan Milošević to the International Criminal Tribunal, where the latter died in the preventive detention cell before the sentence was made. American troops have built the Camp Bondsteel military base in Kosovo and completed the sovereignization of this Serbian province. 10 years from that, in 2010 majority of the UN country-members still wouldn’t recognize the independent formation. At the same time Serbian is doing its best, trying to negotiate its way to the EU, while state of national economy is simply disastrous. Weakened government doesn’t stand a single chance to win the forthcoming elections.
2003, Georgia: here was the classic scheme — opposition proclaims the elections results to be forged and hit the streets. Demonstrators made Eduard Shevarnadze leave the presidential post and seized the power. That is the Rose Revolution. Having become a President, its triumphed leader Mikhail Saakashvili opened the country for American and Western economic interests and reflected upon joining the NATO and the EU. Quite naturally, he has broken all the ties with the neighboring Russia. Five years after that, in August of 2008, Saakashvili bombed the population of South Ossetia, killing lots of Ossetians, most of whom had double Russo-Georgian citizenship, along with the UN-authorized Russian peacemakers. Moscow struck back and ousted the Georgian military attack, which was supported by American and Ukrainian officers-instructors. As a result, the country was brought to ruin. Elections of 2008, when President Saakashvili was re-elected were strongly condemned by the global community that perceived them as non-democratic.
2004, Ukraine: Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko opposed President Viktor Yanukovych during the elections — the former two politicians featured the Western support and sympathies of the global community. Different results were published after the vote and thousands of Ukrainian held a rally at the central square of Kiev, where Viktor Yushchenko called for non-violent resistance to dictatorship. OSCE and Freedom House have condemned the election results, while Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko have recognized Yanukovych’s victory — he was the one, whom the Ukrainian election committee dubbed the winner as well. After two weeks of skillfully arranged rallies that united liberal and radical right movements and given the strong mediating pressure (OSCE, NATO, Council of Europe and the Euro-Parliament…) election results were abrogated and the third round was held, which the Western candidate Viktor Yushchenko won. This was the Orange Revolution. After the presidential term, country was devastated and in 2009 Yushchenko wasn’t re-elected, having gained less than 5% of the votes. Nobody was surprised that it was Viktor Yanukovych who became the new President, while Yulia Tymoshenko — ultra-nationalist and a symbol of Orange revolution and westernizers — was accused of corruption.
2005, Kirghizstan: Kirghiz opposition challenged the results of parliamentary elections and brought demonstrators to Bishkek from the south of the country — they overthrow President Askar Akayev. This was the Tulip Revolution. National Council chose pro-American candidate Kurmanbek Bakiyev who was the President and Prime Minister at the same time. When the situation stabilized Bakiyev sold several natural resources deposits to Americans and built an American military base in Manas. Being accused of corruption and deterioration of the national economy, he lost the power in 2010 after yet another people’s uprising.
Battle for Eurasia (I)
Dmitry Medvedev, Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, 22th of February 2011
During the last 10 years there was a tidal wave of revolutions at the post-Soviet spaces (in Central European and Central Asian countries). These revolutions — at least those of them that ended — caused the change of power and political re-orientation of the above-mentioned states. All those changes had one similar violence-excluding scenario. All of them were portrayed by mass media as democratic revolutions, led by younger people, who needed freedom and wanted to break free from pro-Soviet, semi-democratic corrupted political systems. Those «color revolutions» or «Orange revolutions» (named after revolution in Ukraine) were presented to us as a logical and complementary continuation of «velvet revolutions». This was the way Eastern European countries started to unyoke themselves from the Soviet Union. We’ll see however that these political changes were neither coincidental, nor caused by political will of opposition. Those were carefully planned geostrategic operations,which were organized and controlled from without the countries of action.
In the 20th century American global supremacy replaced the British one. One dominating maritime power changed another, but approach to the global affairs — especially the continental ones — didn’t. This persistent necessity to maintain its presence in the center of Eurasia was the main priority of any major state policy (Britain in the 19th century and America in the 20th century). And by all means it led to reduction of Russian authority in this area, which was full of Russia’s neighboring states, by the way. You should take into account the theory of continental presence, if you want to understand the rules of Russo-American and Russo-English relationships within the framework of the Great Game that took place at Central Asia in the previous century. In fact, both England and America obeyed the same geopolitical laws and geographical limits. Their itch for the world supremacy should have got over two obligatory obstacles, caused by island situation. Firstly it was mastering the ocean spaces (which led to their naval power) and then the obligatory integration (not to remain isolated) with geographical world center with its lots of people and the majority of energy resources, where the history of the world was being written. This aim was clear from Anglo-Saxon political doctrine, which defined relations between countries as the rivalry between so-called maritime powers (England and America) and continental powers (Germany, Russia, China). Halford Mackinder (1861-1947) — one of the fathers-architect of modern geopolitics — has forged the term «Heartland», which was situated in the center of Eurasia. It is an area of modern Siberia and Caucasus. Mackinder was afraid (it was a period before the Second World War) that this zone will become completely sovereign. America then would be kept away from world dominion because of its overseas position. According to his words, the biggest danger was the possible union of two great continental states — Germany and Russia. That’s why he claimed to establish common front for concerned countries to prevent Russian-German coalition. In 1945 he considered the USSR to be the supreme power, which is able to unite this «Heartland» due to its sheer size and influence. So, by default the USSR was the main rival of America.
According to the second theory by Nicholas Spykman
Back to the origins of color revolutions: division project for Russia
Caucasus front will likely be a Russian underbelly in the 20th and 21st centuries alike. England and America will try to use it in order to destabilize Russia. In the beginning of the 21st century leaders of Russian Muslim republics in the Caucasus and Central Asia tried to unleash wars for independence. There were two contestants in the opposition: both were supporters of territorial nationalism and common Turkish union (Turkish intelligence played an important role here by preaching Turkish reunion). Aim of separatists was to gain the disposition of Western democratic countries. They called to help Caucasian republics to get the sovereignty at the Versailles Congress. Bolsheviks has given no chance for such separatist sentiments though. People, who have stood for independence since 1992, had to live in voluntary exile. The first wave has immigrated to Istanbul and it has damaged the reputation of the movement, mixing it with Turkish expansionism. The second wave went mostly to Europe, France and Germany. At that time Bashkir Zeki Velidi considered France as a «center of Turkish-Muslim war against Russia». Polish Prime-minister Józef Piłsudski called this movement «Prometheism». Soon its adherents started publishing a magazine of theirs in France, Germany, England, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Turkey and Romania. These people took English and Polish sides, when the Second World War was started and Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union was signed. This movement had considerable financial support in Poland. And French «France-East» committee — being under the auspices of Senate leader Paul Dume — rendered them political support as well. Their main aim was to create Caucasian Federation of the Swiss kind.
After defeat of Poland, Nazi strategists carried on with this movement. They’ve planned to split the USSR into many little territorial entities, which would be easier to control and conquer. That’s why Germans had established SS legions in Russian Turkestan and similar divisions in the Muslim Caucasus. After the Soviet victory its borders were recognized by the League of Nations, so «Prometheism» movement turned to America, who seconded «Prometheus League of Atlantic Charter» establishment. The movement had the backing of Turkish Muslims, then Catholics, anti-communists and national socialists as well. Suddenly the movement was supported by the CIA. During the Cold War the CIA had used it against the USSR. It caused great ideological confusion, which is why «Prometheism» movement developed furthermore, constantly remaining considerably anti-Russian. In general, we can call it a sort of united orange-green front, absolutely heterogeneous coalitions of Western and Caucasian Muslim separatist agenda aimed against Russia.
Le traité de sécurité paneuropéen : une fontaine de jouvence pour l’Europe?
Cette clause, négociable comme toutes les autres, permettrait à la Russie d’empêcher l’OTAN d’agir unilatéralement. L’ennemi d’hier se verrait affaibli, et les alliés « indésirables » de Moscou (Syrie, Belarus, Iran) seraient dès lors à l’abri de toute offensive européenne. Un autre mécanisme, comparable à celui régissant l’Alliance Atlantique, poussera les pays membres à tous se considérer comme attaqués si au moins un des pays l’est.
La Russie 2.0
Le rivoluzioni colorate in Eurasia (III)
[30] http://www.geostrategie.com/1490/les-etats-unis-utilisent-l%E2%80%99europe-comme-tete-de-pont-pour-attaquer-l%E2%80%99eurasie
[31] http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zbigniew_Brzezinski
[32] http://www.comw.org/pda/fulltext/9709brzezinski.html
[33] Le grand échiquier, p 56
[34] http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/5_octobre_2000_en_Serbie
[35] http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Bondsteel
[36] http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%A9volution_des_Roses
[37] http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivoluzione_arancione
[38] http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%A9volution_des_Tulipes
[39] http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%A9volution_kirghize_de_2010
[40] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CeSID
[41] http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otpor
[42] Patrice Vidal, Dans l’arrière cour de Moscou, p. 147 et 148
[43] http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solidarno%C5%9B%C4%87
[44] Patrice Vidal, Dans l’arrière cour de Moscou, p. 149-150
[45] Patrice Vidal, Dans l’arrière cour de Moscou, p. 151
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