Logistics of political rallies, which were held in conditions of freezing Ukrainian winter (sometimes for few weeks), have left nothing up to chance. All these facts — silent and rapid seizure of parliament in such unstable and unstrained country as Georgia, or part that nearly oppositional non-governmental organization CеSID played — it challenged election results in Serbia even before they were publicized — or the beginning of well-coordinated demonstrations cannot be accidental. In fact, these events are the results of activity of particular people, who were taught the propagandistic methods and united within various movements. These people are revolutionary-professionals to the bone; they organize coups and move from one country to another, from one revolution to another at the expense of non-governmental organizations, i.e. at the expense of American interests in Europe. Common trait of all these revolutions is the emergence of youth movements in each country — absolutely similar both in form and in content — and similar technique of carrying the revolution out…..
The first color revolution that took place in Serbia in 2000, was mostly organized by youth movement called ’’Otpor!’’ — the real moving force of students protests. Alexander Marich, one of its leaders has later confirmed «his direct connections with State Department and White House employees, and also he acknowledged that the U.S. Agency for International Development, international organization „Freedom house“ and Soros Foundation „Open society“ financed the most part of campaign». Marich confirmed that «training seminars took place in Budapest, Bucharest and in Bosnia during the spring, prior to these events». «Otpor» movement activists met there with the functionaries of Albert Einstein Institution and also with leaders of Polish movement «Solidarnosc» (Solidarnosc). As Marich asserted, the technologies they used were straightly casted by non-violent methods of Sharp and Ackerman’s actions and the aim of it was «to discredit the governments, to incline people for civil disobedience and peaceful demonstrations. Everything was under the authority of association with no definite executor. Besides, the movement was to position itself as something distant from politics and mainly to draw undecided youth1 attention to its side.» Also the group was obliged «to use short messages and slogans, and activists were to be picked out due to their appearance in order to represent the movement properly, giving it touch of romance and freedom-loving, and to inspire the followers with the ideas of «special purpose2». And finally the movement could counted on broad support of leading world mass-media, which filtered and sorted information out to present the demonstrations as spontaneous meetings of youngsters, striving for freedom and democracy and longing for integration into international society.
After the Serbian success, two of «Otpor» members, Alexander Marich and Stanko Lazendich were employed by «Freedom house» and sent to widespread their skills and knowledge to other countries and to support preparations for other revolutions: in Georgia in 2003, and in Ukraine in 2004. The support mostly consisted of training: both methods of non-violent resistance, techniques of negotiations with authorities and also of logistics, which was essentially important for arranging the weeks-long demonstrations. It proved particularly useful to Ukraine, where demonstrators were given thousands tents and bedspreads to defend them from hard frost in the camp set up in the Square of Independence. During the entire stay at Maydan free-meals were served.
Symbols that these fraternal groups use (clenched fist) leave no doubts whatsoever about their correlation, whether we look at Ukrainian movement «PORA!», Kirghiz «KelKell» or Georgian «Kmara». It’s necessary to notice that such groups also exist in the countries that are (so far?) not going to carry out revolution. These are Byelorussian «Zubr» or Albanian «Mjaft», for instance. By the way, in Albania significant demonstrations are going on right now. Uzbek movements «Bolga» and «Youkol» and Azerbaijani movement «Jok» are also worth mentioning. Mind that it were activists of Georgian «Kmara», who carried out the trainings for their Russian fellows from «Oborona» — adding fuel to the flame of intense relationships between two countries. Speaking of «Otpor», in 2003 this movement was transformed into Serbian political party that deplorably failed Parliament election of the same year and then dissolved into Democratic Party (DS) of Boris Tadić, current President of Serbia. The most part of members of this movement re-trained into experts of local political analysis, being employed by such institutions like Center of applied non-violent actions and strategies (CANVAS) and National commission of justice and conciliation (CNVR).
One of the former «Otpor» members, Ivan Morovich has collaborated with the above-mentioned International center of nonviolent fight, «York Zimmermann Inc» company and with videogame developers «BreakAway Ltd» since 2003. He helped the latter with making a videogame «A Force More Powerful. The Game of Nonviolent Strategy», which came out in 2005. The game is based on different strategies and tacticsof acting without using force — these tactics were used in many countries to overthrow «dictatorships», «enemies of democracy and human rights», with Milošević being one of them. Thereby, the circle closes and practice unites with theory of developing videogames of Eckerman based on present or future scripts of color revolutions we spoke about. We have to mention another peculiarity of color revolutions. They are characterized by uniting nationalism and anti-imperialism (in this context it doesn’t matter whether it’s Russian or post-Soviet), while nationalists and radical right groups play an important role in the riots. This is exactly the case of Serbia and Ukraine. This is why we talked about orange-brown front of anti-Russian powers and heterogeneous coalition that united pro-Western democrats with radical right neo-nationalists. All these movements are openly anti-Russian. Today such alliances, where weak and heterogeneous liberal opposition comes out side by side with skinhead-nationalists, supporting leftist national-Bolsheviks or basically ultra right movements are commonplace.
Results of color revolutions and their prospects
We’ve been able to see that Goal of color revolutions is to reinforce the American presence (and, consequently, presence of NATO) in the center of Eurasia, around Russia — in order to carry out geostrategic and geopolitical tasks, formulated in theories of such geopolitical strategists like Mackinder and Spykman. It’s worth mentioning the rightness of their predictions that Eurasia is going to be the most important worldwide region in terms of energy resources, population and ties between civilizations. Color revolutions have a lot of in common, indeed. Particularly, it’s the orientation on countries that are admittedly important due to geographic or political (neighboring Russia) reasons or due to their location the energy corridors. But another common trait of color revolutions is orientation on countries with rather weak or unstable political regimes. Russia and Byelorussia, for instance, aren’t concerned about threat of such coup because necessary countermeasures as prohibition of non-governmental organizations activity and banishing revolutionist-mercenaries from the country have been undertaken at once. However, Russia somehow novelized taking upon a development of a large-scale youth movement «Nashi» that served for prevention of any attempts to get out on the streets or to resist the regime. Besides that, the activity of Soros Network and its subsidiaries was simply banned in Russia and Byelorussia alike.
According to Karine Ter-Saakyan, governments that came to power after color revolutions had no future by the time of 2008. She claimed: «The failure of color revolutions in the post-Soviet world is absolutely natural, it’s simply unavoidable. Democratic society and free market George Bush was enthusiastically promoting, seemed to be the targets of these revolutions — and they turned out to be untimely.» In practice these color revolutions, named after flowers mostly — like revolution of tulips, pinks, roses — faded away. What happened to Ukraine and Serbia is quite symbolic in fact — these countries showed that leaders who came to power due to results of color revolutions are unable to maintain even the minimum economic stability, while opening the economic system to American investments didn’t work out. This tendency broke down minimally by its long-lasting political projects. Prooflessness of this strategy became quite clear. Countermeasures can be successfully carried out — Russia and Byelorussia make good examples of that. Moreover it’s obvious that financial crisis hit the budget of color revolutions. And, finally, swift diplomatic and military response of Russia in August of 2008 clearly showed that it is ready to resist this democratic violence and to protect its citizens even abroad.
Now all that intellectual energy that spearheads of color revolutions waste on different attempts to destabilize Russia could be as well aimed at measuring and estimating effect of Arab spring. The losses are still beyond count, but they can affect Europe, Russia and America in the long run.
1«At Moscow yards» by Patrice Vilal pages 149 and 150
2 «At Moscow yards» by Patrice Vilal, page 151