Category Archives: Articles in English

Demography, Labour Market and Immigration in Russia (May 2020)

A bit of Demography, Labour Market and Immigration.

According toMVD

215.901 people received Russian citizenship (67% being ukrainians) from January to April 2020, comparing with 85.937 during the same period last year;

6.448 HQS (ВКС) were delivered, comparing with 10.227 for the same period in 2019.

2 248 working permit were delivered, comparing with 5 570 for the same period last year.

559.055 Patents delivered comparing 600.267 for the same period last year.

49.433 Temporary resident permit (РВП), comparing with 77 362 for same period last year.

80 545 Permanent resident permit (ВНЖ) comparing with 60 414 for same period last year.

88 014 people were denied to enter Russia, VS 86.578 for the same period last year.

If this trend keeps going on Russia may gain 1 million new citizens this year, including 600 000 or 700 000 ukrainians.



International Female Congress «Women are the strategic resource of humanity».

From the 21st to 23rd of August the I International Female Congress “Women are the strategic resource of humanity” will take place in Kazan in the Hotel, Shopping and Entertainment Mall “Korston”.

The main aim of the International Female Congress is in: involving of women from Russia and countries-partners in the process of economics modernization, showing an immense potential that women who work in different areas of business have, joining and consolidation of activity for creation propitious investment climate, formation of atmosphere of creative searching and supporting of projects, demanded by present time.

Other aims are: the world experience generalizing – positive and negative, working out new effective models of communications, to learn how to solve actual economic problems. The Congress will influence positively at further development of partnership and friendship between the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia and foreign partners.  

The main subject is Women are the strategic resource of humanity”.

The International Female Congress is running with a support of the Council of the Federation, State Duma of the Russian Federation, President of Tatarstan, Eurasian Economic Commission and the City Mayor’s Office.  The event participants will be women-leaders: heads and top-managers of companies, represented different fields of business, women – deputies of different levels, heads of State government body, heads of funds and public organizations, including female organizations from all around the world: “Women of United Nations”, “UNESCO”, “African Businesswomen Association” and others.   Diplomatic missions and interested parties from more than 20 countries have already confirmed their participation in the Congress, including Brazil, China, Sweden, the Great Britain, Benin, Iran, Algeria, Nigeria and others. More than 600 people will take part in the Congress.

The III Forum of Businesswomen of the Republic of Tatarstan will run in the frameworks of the International Female Congress.

Organizers of the International Female Congress are: Tatar Regional Public Organization “Businesswomen of the Republic of Tatarstan”, Agency of Information and Business Communications “AIDK”, Regional Public Organization “Women of Tatarstan” and Association of enterprises of small and middle business of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Venue – Kazan City, theHotel, Shopping and Entertainment Mall “Korston” (1 N.Yershova str.)

All information you can get by phone: + 7 (843) 238-04-84;

e-mail: info@kongress-woman.com




In turn, Alexandre Latsa, the expert on geopolitics, French blogger who lives in Moscow, suggested that the popularity of Russian resort area with a mild southern climate will increase after the Olympic Games.

“Instability is growing in the Muslim world which may lead to the fact that many foreign and Russian tourists will choose safe destinations such as the north of the Mediterranean or the Black Sea in Russia,” he explained.

Moreover, in his opinion, the location of Sochi and new infrastructure are two important components the combination of which should be beneficial for the development of sports in Russia.

“The Olympic project that involves large-scale infrastructure development is a kind of a challenge to the world community. Many countries could not afford it, so the Games provoke a lot of envy,” the French analyst added.

In his opinion, this event can play an important role in raising the international prestige of Russia.

“Since the beginning of 2014 Moscow has tense relationship with the West after numerous disagreements on social issues. Russia is also an important actor in Syrian issue, and we understand that the terrorist threat is high. If Russia avoids a terrorist attack, the country will significantly strengthen its position in the international arena by the end of the Olympics,” Alexandre Latsa explained.



Publication in the Journal of constitutionnalism and human rights

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Chers lecteurs, j’ai eu la grande chance d’être publié dans le Journal of constitutionnalism and human rights, journal qui comprent des articles sur des sujets aussi variés que le rôle de la société civile dans les rapports de pouvoir, la limitation des droits de l’homme au regard de l’exigence de sécurité (question du terrorisme), les rapports entre la Russie et l’Occident sur la constitution d’un espace démocratique…

Vous pouvez télécharger le numéro ici

Russia-USA : the end of the «Reset» ?


The relations between Russia the United States just keep getting worse, and this downhill trend seems to have accelerated over the last few weeks. Particularly, and obviously, since the Syrian conflict seems to be turning into an indirect war between Russia and the USA.

So the illusion of a “new entente” between Russia and the US hasn’t lasted. The last G8 summit was marked by the Syrian conflict, which clearly opposes Russia and the other powers in the group – with the USA, the United Kingdom and France in the lead. The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, clearly stated during the conference that ” … it is not the Syrian people who are fighting el-Assad, but commandos, including foreign units, who are well-trained and well-armed (…) by terrorist organisations.”

Since only one step separates Europe from Qatar, it is not surprising that the “Friends of Syria” have now decided to support the Syrian opposition even more actively, by opting for a solution which promises to be increasingly military in nature. Paradoxically, it was John Kerry who made the toughest declaration concerning Russia, when he accused them of being the main instigators of the continuing conflict in Syria. Without a doubt, his declaration signals the end of the honeymoon between Russia and the United States, and it looks like the chill may last.

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A French perspective on the Russian – American relationship

Dear readers, I am really very glad to present You my first article being published in The Washington Times, via an insert produced by Russia House Associates in cooperation with Voice of Russia.  You can find the insert on the WT website on this link:

And also on this link



At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1991, America triumphed in the sands of Iraq and announced the birth of a new world order dominated by the West. The end of the USSR marked the beginning of an era in which the Euro-American alliance assumed unchallenged control of the world’s economic, political, military and moral order.

On the European continent, the Western alliance seemed destined to gradually incorporate the entire former Soviet world for eternity.

From that moment, the Europeans, freed from Communism, seemed to fi nally have won the right to join the Euro-Atlantic community and develop their market economy. In a world that had become unipolar, they also appeared to have the right to choose between the West and the West, between NATO and NATO and between Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

This myth of the new unipolar world order did not last very long, however. Only 10 years after its birth, on 11 September 2001, America, the mightiest power the world has seen, was attacked on its own territory.

A year earlier, in Moscow, another fundamental geostrategic event took place, although very few analysts paid attention to it at the time: the election of President Vladimir Putin. That election marked the political birth of a new Russia.

A few hours after the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Russian president was the very fi rst head of state to speak to President Bush and offer him political and military support in the fi ght against terrorism. Russia, which at that time was facing an Islamist guerrilla insurgency in the Caucasus and terrorism on its own territory, clearly understood the fundamental importance of global, comprehensive and long-term cooperation in the fi ght against this scourge.

Unfortunately, Russia’s outstretched hand was not grasped by US strategists.

The wars against terrorism – initiated by America during the last decade in Afghanistan and Iraq but also to a limited extent in Pakistan, Somalia and indirectly in Libya – did not pay off. Worse, they have arguably contributed to the weakening of America’s fi nances, exacerbated its post-2008 economic downturn and laid bare the fl aws of the Western financial system.

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